Use "defensor|defensors" in a sentence

1. Arabism (2) Siria es el baluarte del Arabismo y Bachar al-Assad es el defensor de su estandarte

2. Defensor AG and Condair AG merged in 1995 to become Axair, covering the entire spectrum of humidification technologies.

3. Bautista es un defensor de los derechos humanos y Aspirante a político.Bautista is a human rights advocate and aspiring politician

4. Fidei Defensor was soon struck on coins of the realm, and Henry asked for this title to be conferred on his successors.

5. By John Larson, El Defensor Chieftain Mar 18, 2021 Business, Top Stories 0 If the number of restaurants is any indication, business is good in Magdalena